There are two lanes to a freeway as a minimum, what is the left lane used for?
A. Kickin it old school so my homies can see my ride?
B. Passing those who go at or under the speed limit?
C. Semi Trucks to caravan in so cars may exit easily?
D. Multitaskers, those who can eat, text, apply makeup, or change their clothes while driving?
and the correct answer is.. . . . . . . . . . . .
PLEASE People - this is why the autobahn concept wouldn't work in this country! If you want to cruise or go slower, keep your cracker jack a** in the right lane. Too bad if you have to take the car off cruise control!
You're not making the roads any safer by causing the person doing 90 to hit their brakes or try to climb into your backseat. In most instances YOU are making the roads more dangerous.