Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another political rant

So last night I decided to watch David Letterman since the Democrats nominee for President was a guest. As I was watching and listening, I came across another obvious realization that I suspected but for some reason didn’t click till the candidate spoke.

I think one of the biggest reasons we are in the current situation we are in as a country is because we have severely gotten away from the spirit in which this country was founded. From my understanding, our fore fathers started this country with the thought of freedom, and established a government that would collectively GOVERN the people by the people.

Today, government has become an entity that takes on more roles then just governs the people. Our government is expected to fill a role that we as individual Americans should fill ourselves. It seems that most Americans feel that the government should provide for us, make our decisions and hold all responsibility of our actions. That is just WRONG, we need to take care of ourselves and be responsible for the good and bad decisions we make.

We need to get back to the real roots of democracy and gain the spirit our founding fathers had. If we don’t I am afraid we will end up with a government like the Chinese government. They do what they want and if you oppose or want to say anything opposing you gets a year of “re-education through hard labor.” While this option is appealing to me for some people I know, it’s not the best choice of government for everyone.

Oh, to paraphrase, the candidate on David Letterman spoke about how the government needs to provide everything for the people basically. So they really didn’t support my point.

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