Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The start of a New Year

I hope all had a great Christmas season and I wish you a joyus and prosperous 2009.

With that said, I find it interesting that we (society) go through this mental game that we think everything bad, crappy or otherwise will be changed in the upcoming year. Honestly I think that over 75% of the goals and good intentions are discarded by the end of January.

I have never paid much attention to New Years resolutions, I figure that you should set goals all the time and not because the odomoter on the calendar rolled another number over. So this year I thought I might give it a try.

I hope we all can carry something over into the new year and be better for ourselves, if not for ourselves then for those around us.

I have been told that I dont seem as happy - - and in retrospect, there's some truth to that. I guess I should work on that next year. I can honestly say that there was a time I wanted to make sure those around me benefited from our interaction. Latley I can see that my attitude in that area has changed to "I don't give a damn how I impact them".

I think my best bet is to find the good in others and not accept the dissapointment I see in society.

Looks like I will have a tough 2009 but hopefully I will be better for it in the end. Whatever monkey you have to train, I wish you luck as well.

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