Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Americans Today

So I come into work from the long weekend and overhear two other cube neighbors talking about McCain’s choice for Vice President. It was interesting to me to hear them make the same comment as the DJ on the radio made this morning.

Basically the point was made that the Vice President nominees Daughter was 17 and a senior in high school and pregnant. One cube neighbor said “well there goes McCain’s chances.”

Not that I condone pre-marital relations or children out of wedlock but COME ON people, how many of you can say that you don’t know one person who has had a child out of wedlock or at a very young age. I don’t think too many of you can say you do. And if this is the only issue with the VP nomination candidate, then good. In this situation I am sure she can relate to more everyday Americans then any democratic nominee.

Look at all the other politicians, drinking, alleged murder, and the infidelity abounding in politics and people jump on this like it’s the plague.

Maybe the bigger problem is that people think that political leaders should be perfect and that there are some perfect ones out there. The fact is WE ALL have skeletons in our closets and have family members that we don’t want to admit having.

Sorry, I just found it annoying that people bitch and nitpick about stupid stuff. Maybe I can’t understand what impact a pregnant daughter would or should have on a candidate’s capacity to serve in a public office. Maybe I can’t understand why people focus on the non-essential stuff and not the important stuff . . . . . . . end of rant

Disclaimer – I don’t support any political party and have not made a choice on the correct candidate for me.

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