Friday, September 19, 2008

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

If you look at the difference between Hurricane Ike and Katrina hopefully you will see that there is not as much coverage on the effects of Hurricane Ike.

Now some will say the reason for that is the economic crap that is hitting the fan right now, and I would agree to some extent. I do however that the citizens of New Orleans whined much more then you see the citizens of Houston whining. From what I can tell, Houstonians are about getting it fixed and back to normal as opposed to who is to blame when Katrina hit.

I also noticed that when the buzz for Ike’s devastation was building it seemed that Katrina came up more and more. On one news report I actually heard the commentator say,

“The damage in Galveston was horrible, but New Orleans has also got flooding they are dealing with again.”

I admit the damage from Katrina was bad. The city was flooded and homes were lost, but for some reason, 3 years later, they are saying that most of the city is still in ruin. If you look at pictures it looks as if Galveston was almost wiped from the face of the earth. I bet 3 years from now Houston, Galveston and the surrounding areas will be rebuilt and you might not even see remnants of Ike.

This isn’t completely a slam on New Orleans but your 15 min of fame should be over. Quit your whining, build your damn city or learn to live under water without the use of levees. Katrina has become a broken record to most of us and hearing about it is getting old.

End of Rant

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