Monday, September 29, 2008


Well unless you live under a rock, I am sure you have heard about the 700 BILLION dollar bail out of Wall Street. This is a move that I feel will undermine the core values America was founded on and only serve to further erode what we as a country should stand for. I am opposed to this because if it goes through it will make it ok for people to shirk their responsibilities and have no accountability.

To make it short, my point is, if you make a mistake, no matter how big or small, YOU should be the one to pay for it, not the rest of the country. This point should be pressed for those in Wall Street and Washington. They made the mistake, take the hit. My gut tells me that all they are doing is covering their retirement and investments with taxpayer money.

Shouldn’t they be held accountable for their choices like we have been for years? If I were to go out and charge up every card I can on needless spending and fail to pay my bill, government wouldn't come in and pay it off plus give me a bonus. They would start collections and eventually force me to take out bankruptcy. Shouldn’t Wall Street be held to the same accountability?

I understand that if the bailout doesn’t go through there will be rough times for all of us. Personally I am fine with that because I can live with the situation I am put in if that happens because I can take responsibility for the choices I have made.

I am not from this state but this senator has the right idea.

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