Friday, October 17, 2008


I was watching the last Presidential debate of this election (hopefully in 4 years we can still vote for our president, depending on who is elected), and a thought came to mind. Since the biggest problem we have is our politicians in Washington seem to be coated with a substance far more repellant then Teflon, we as Americans should do a clean sweep of ALL Congressional and Presidential positions.

How would we do this equally and efficiently? - - easy we use the Draft!

I know it sounds crazy at first, but hear me out. Instead of forcing people to hold one of those positions, we send out a registration notice for each state. The notice will indicate a week where those who fit certain qualifications, (based on the constitution) can register for a Government job lottery of sorts.

Once the selection process is completed the selected candidates will hold their positions for no more then 2 years. The salary, benefits and perks will be the same for all positions. If someone wants to continue past the 2 years they can register in their state again for the next selection process.

By selection our public servants in this manner we introduce a level playing field in our political system. No more friends, endorsements and those who say, “I can do better” will have the opportunity to step forward and put their money where their mouth is.

There will be no emphasis for gender, race, culture, religion or status. Now this may seem dangerous, and to a level it is. But since positions are now appointed we can remove the Electoral College system and use the public voting methods of today for approvals of laws. Once the law is up for vote, the states hold a public vote; those results are then forwarded to the State Representatives in congress and based on the state votes, the representative votes accordingly.

If the Representative doesn’t vote according to their states wishes they are promptly removed and another Representative is selected from that state pool. We need to get the decisions back into the hands of the people of this country, not with a small group of greedy people who want to line their pockets.

If the countries fate is to be run into the ground then let us do it ourselves, not leave it up to overeducated people with uneducated actions!

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