Friday, October 24, 2008

Enough Politics

I don’t know about you but I am tired of Decision 08 coverage. In the end we are going to be screwed either way, I just wish we would get some Vaseline at the voting polls or a nice steak dinner before an act of congress.

So enough about that, I though I would post about another issue that has been on my mind a lot recently.

I work in a large office building with many companies housed within that building. Now if you have been on one of these buildings you know that the bathrooms are shared on each floor. Usually each floor has one to three companies so I know this isn’t just our department.

So here goes, I have noticed that over 50% of the people using the can don’t wash their hands afterward. I mean really, you touch your dude or wipe your crack and you can’t wash the dingle bugs off your paws! I don’t want any of your junk cooties when I say hi or introduce myself to you. NO-thank you very much!

The experience has really made me leery about shaking hands in the professional environment. And for those of you wondering – I do wash after each time – thank you.


Jessica said...

Here's an idea, carry HAND SANITIZER and use it after shaking hands with anyone. I agree though, it's gross.

Vigo said...

I shouldnt have to carry around supplies to ensure others cleanliness. Personal responsibility and self respect should motivate others to clean after themselves. But thanks for the tip!