Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday gripe

Ok, I love the holiday season as much as Ebenezer Scrooge, but I try to let those around me enjoy their holiday spirit as much as I can tolerate. (I do like me some carol of the bells though) I have to vent about this B.S. holiday tradition brought on by nothing more then the corporate Ass Kissers.

When did it become the norm to give a Christmas gift to your boss? My impression of a Christmas gift is something given to those whom you care about in some fashion. A small token given to those who you sub-consciously classify as more important then those you don’t give gift to.

For those if us who normally wouldn’t give gifts to anyone other then blood, this practice makes work sort of feel hostile during the holidays. It’s not mandatory but you feel you are required to contribute to a group gift none the less. Granted, management may not know who contributed, but your co-workers will, and that gives them a political edge if that information were to be made known.

Also, this practice wouldn’t be so bad if it was reciprocal. For example, I contributed $20 last year for a manager’s gift, I got bubkis! This year, not only was I asked to contribute to that same manager, but also to an additional lower level manager as well.

My point is – if you like the manager and consider them a friend, fine give away, but if you are like me and really don’t give a rats ass in hell about your manager and they are nothing more then a tool in the workplace, (like a stapler), you shouldn’t have to be expected to give them anything but the 8 hours they pay you for.

End of Rant – Merry freaking Christmas!

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